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We Need Your Help – Tell Us What You Think


The Campaign to Protect Rural England (The Countryside Charity) has a mission.

We want to see the countryside not only protected but also enhanced for both current and future generations and to play its part in tackling the two biggest challenges we face: climate change and the degradation of nature.

Leicestershire has a countryside that is both diverse and beautiful and we want to see it valued and enjoyed. However, this means addressing some of the fundamental challenges that the countryside faces.

This is why we have developed a Vision for Leicestershire which puts nature back in balance and the countryside at the top of the planning agenda. The draft Vision is available here: CPRE Leicestershire Vision

We are keen to have your views and the specific priorities to be pursued in each topic area. Your answers will help us in finalising the Vision, which will then be an important reference point for CPRE Leicestershire’s campaigning locally as well as in the media, with MPs, Councillors and the wider public.

Link to survey:  

Thank you for responding to this survey.

The Trustees, CPRE Leicestershire