Climate change and energy
The climate emergency is the biggest threat facing our countryside and planet. We need to drastically reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. The good news is the countryside can provide many of the solutions.
The county of Leicestershire has a long history of providing energy to England. Coal mining has been carried out here on some scale since the 13th century, with great intensification in the 20th century.
Today, with the depletion of coal resources in the region and growing concerns about global climate change, the future of energy production in Leicestershire is changing but it is a safe bet that electricity generation will continue to play a major role in the economy and landscape of the area.
We support strategies like curbing the growth of energy demand, encouraging energy efficiency, and promoting a wide range of renewable energy technologies. CPRE Leicestershire works to ensure that all electricity projects are carried out with proper consideration for local landscapes and communities, in ways that protect and promote the ability of the countryside to provide other services – from recreation to clean water and habitats.
The production of energy from both fossil fuel and sustainable sources can be scaled and adapted to local settings and we seek to support appropriate, thoughtful energy developments whilst opposing those that will do unnecessary damage to the beautiful landscapes and vibrant communities of rural Leicestershire.
While acknowledging the significance of solar and wind power, we support the development of a wider range of possible energy technologies including small-scale affordable projects from passive solar to anaerobic digestion and micro-hydro. At the same time energy efficiency should be supported by better planning with policies supporting low-carbon building and strong public transportation options.